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Unlock User Account on AIX

by on Feb.21, 2014, under AIX

1. # passwd <userid>
2. # chsec -f /etc/security/lastlog -a unsuccessful_login_count=0 -s <userid>
3. # chuser account_locked=false <userid>

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Script: 90DayUnlocked.ksh

by on Feb.19, 2014, under AIX, Scripts

# 90 Day/Account Unlocked user check
# 2014 Feb 14 - Jamey Hopkins
# check if account password has not changed in > 90 days and is not locked
# 20140219 JAH - Updated to exclude locked accounts/cleaned up output

echo; echo "Password Change > 90 Days and Account NOT Locked on `uname -n | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"`"
for USER in $(cut -f1 -d":" /etc/passwd | grep -v "+")
   LASTCH=`pwdadm -q $USER | awk '/lastupdate/ {FS="="; print $3}'`
   LASTCH_HR=`perl -e "print scalar localtime($LASTCH);"`
   if [[ ! -z $LASTCH ]]; then
      EPOCH=`perl -e 'print time'`
      let PWAGE="$EPOCH - $LASTCH"
      # 7776000 seconds = 90 days
      if [[ $PWAGE -gt 7776000 ]] ; then
         LOCKED=`lsuser -a account_locked $USER | cut -f2 -d= | xargs echo`
         [ "$LOCKED" = "false" ] && echo "$LASTCH_HR: $USER"

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by on Feb.18, 2014, under Linux, Scripts


# Created 20131119 by Jamey Hopkins
# Cancel all jobs older than X days.
# Example: 1 will cancel jobs older than prior day
# 0 will cancel jobs older than current day
# Note: Use a regular cancel -a to cancel all jobs.
# 20131217 JAH – Display before and after counts.
# – Echo Checking queues and canceling job #.
# – Check for at least 2 files. There should be a control file and at least 1 data.
# 20140114 JAH – Exit if lpstat not found.
# 20140124 JAH – Strip preceding zeroes in job id
# 20140218 JAH – Added section for a plain cancel -a of specific queues

if [ “$1” = “” ]; then
   echo Enter days to cancel.
   echo Example: qpurge 1
   exit 1

if [ `id -un` != “root” ]; then
   echo “Need to be root.”
   exit 1

if [ ! `which lpstat` ]; then
   exit 1


echo “Checking queues…”

BEFORE=`lpstat -o | wc -l`

# cancel all jobs for specific queues here
#CA=”q1 q2 q3″
if [ -n “$CA” ]; then
   echo “Canceling all jobs on: $CA”
   cancel -a $CA >/dev/null 2>&1

# clear jobs by age
find /var/spool/cups/d* -daystart -mtime +$X >qpurge.tmp 2>/dev/null
for FILE in `cat qpurge.tmp`
   JOB=`basename $FILE | sed ‘s/d//g’ | cut -f1 -d-`
   # strip preceding zeroes
   JOB=`echo $JOB | sed ‘s/^0*//’`
   INQ=””;INQ=`lpstat -o | grep — “-$JOB”`
   if [ ! -e c${JOB}* -a “$INQ” != “” ]; then
      echo Canceling $JOB
      cancel $JOB >/dev/null 2>&1

AFTER=`lpstat -o | wc -l`
echo;echo “Jobs Remaining ($AFTER of $BEFORE):”
lpstat -o

rm qpurge.tmp


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SSL Enabled

by on Dec.05, 2013, under Linux

HTTPS has been enabled for the site.

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500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()

by on Nov.26, 2013, under Linux

500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()

chmod ugo-w /path/to/directory

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