Author Archive
Internet Explorer 10 Hangs – Unable to Type Into Text Fields
by dervish on Oct.11, 2013, under Windows
Internet Explorer 10 Hangs – Unable to Type Into Text Fields
Possible Solutions:
Re-register dlls:
Start – All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt (right click) -> Run as administrator
Run the following from the command line:
regsvr32 mshtmled.dll
regsvr32 mshtml.dll
Uninstall IE10 :
Start button > in the search box, type programs and features > Enter > left side, click View Installed Updates > scroll down to find Windows Internet Explorer 10 > right click > click Uninstall.
Restart computer.
You are back with IE9.
512 Bytes to Gigabyte
by dervish on Oct.10, 2013, under AIX
512 bytes to Gigabytes:
512_byte_blocks / 2 = Kilobytes
512_byte_blocks / 2 / 1024 = Megabytes
512_byte_blocks / 2 / 1024 / 1024 = Gigabytes
Gigabits based on 8 bits per byte:
(512_byte_blocks / 2 / 1024 / 1024) * 8 = Gigabits
Windows System Error 1219
by dervish on Sep.26, 2013, under Samba, Windows
Connecting to multiple shares on a single server with multiple credentials results in a “System Error 1219” error message.
Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more
than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the
server or shared resource and try again..
This error is by design. You may create an additional connection by using the hostname for one, and then the IP Address for the other.
net use X: \\hostname\share
net use Y: \\\share
iOS Device Isn’t Eligible Restore Error
by dervish on Sep.25, 2013, under Apple, iOS
“The iPad [device name] could not be restored. This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.”
1. Update to latest version of iTunes.
2. Remove/comment out entry from /private/etc/hosts.
3. Restore device.
How-To: Get External IP Address from the Command Line
by dervish on Sep.09, 2013, under Networking
dig +short
dervish@mint15 ~ $ curl
dervish@mint15 ~ $ dig +short
NOTE: The curl command will return the proxy server address if one is being used.