Author Archive
How to Find ASM Disk to Physical Device Mapping
by dervish on Jul.31, 2013, under Uncategorized
How to Find ASM Disk to Physical Device Mapping
1. List Oracle ASM Disks
# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
2. Query Disk
# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk -d EMCPPB1
Disk “EMCPPB1” is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 33]
3. Match Major/Minor Numbers to Physical Disk
# ls -l /dev | grep 8|grep 33
brw-rw—- 1 root disk 8, 33 Jul 25 17:38 sdc1
Clear Faults Using the ILOM CLI
by dervish on Jul.25, 2013, under Sun
How to Clear Faults Using the Oracle ILOM Command-Line Interface
Log in to the Oracle ILOM CLI.
Use the following command to clear the fault for a specific component.
–>set pathtocomponent clear_fault_action=true
where pathtocomponent is the path to the component for which you want to clear the fault.
For example:
set /SYS/BL0/P0/D0 clear_fault_action=true
HP-UX Enable Largefile Support
by dervish on Jul.19, 2013, under HP-UX
RMAN-10035: exception raised in RPC: ORA-19504: failed to create file “/u94/oradata/msctest/bomd02.dbf”
ORA-27044: unable to write the header block of file
HP-UX Error: 27: File too large
ORA-01237: cannot extend datafile 222
ORA-01110: data file 222: ‘/u95/oradata/mscprod/invdl412.dbf’
ORA-27059: skgfrsz: could not reduce file size
HP-UX Error: 27: File too large
Additional information: 1
Check if large files are supported:
# fsadm -F vxfs /u94
# fsadm -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vg05/u94
# fsadm -F vxfs /u94
Add largefiles option to the list of vxfs options in /etc/fstab:
dev/vg08/u94 /u94 vxfs delaylog,largefiles 0 2
You may need to remount the filesystem if is not an Online JFS or VxFS.
Internet Explorer Prints Blank Pages/Print Preview is Blank
by dervish on Jun.23, 2013, under Windows
Internet Explorer prints blank pages.
Internet Exlorer print previews blank.
As user (not systems admin account). Start with step 1, then continue on to the next steps if the previous step did not fix the issue.
1. mkdir %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low
2. icacls %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low /setintegritylevel low
3. Uncheck the checkbox beside Enable Protected Mode under Tools -> Security, and then restart Internet Explorer.
How to Enter Samsung Galaxy S4 Recovery Mode
by dervish on Jun.13, 2013, under Android
To enter Samsung Galaxy S4 recovery mode:
• Power off your device completely.
• Press and hold Volume Up, Home, and Power buttons simultaneously.
• Release the buttons when the phone’s screen displays
“RECOVERY BOOTING….” in upper left hand corner.
Tested on T-MOBILE Galaxy S4 SGH-M919 – Android 4.2.2