Fedora 14 and Broadcom 4312 Wireless Install on HP Mini 110
by dervish on Jan.03, 2011, under Fedora, Networking, Wireless
ERROR: Firmware file “b43/ucode5.fw” not found or load failed.
Ignore drivers in /lib/firmware/b43-open and perform the following:
1. yum install b43-fwcutter wget
2. wget downloads.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-
3. tar xjf broadcom-wl-
4. cd broadcom-wl-
5. b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware/ wl_apsta_mimo.o
to install all firmware into /lib/firmware/b43
6. reboot
HP Mini 110 Laptop should boot and come up with wireless functioning.
Were these instructions helpful? Please click the Google links below.
Fedora 11 and xorg.conf
by dervish on Sep.12, 2009, under Fedora, Linux
If you install Fedora 11 and find that your X11 display is less than ideal (as in it won’t do better than 800×600) run:
Xorg -configure :1
as root to create a new default xorg.conf.new in /root.
Run ‘X -config /root/xorg.conf.new’ to test the new config. If the display sizes properly, copy it to /etc/X11 and overwrite the existing xorg.conf. This was the only fix I needed in do in order to get a clean install of Fedora 11 going.