Pi-hole Query Log Empty
by dervish on Mar.08, 2025, under Linux
# systemctl stop pihole-FTL
# rm /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db*
# systemctl start pihole-FTL
Functional Synology DSM 7.0 VPN Server
by dervish on Jul.10, 2022, under Apple, iOS, iPhone, Linux, Security
Synology VPN Server
Forward ports 500, 1701, 4500 to server
VPN Server: Enable L2TP/IPSec, confirm Authentication is MS-CHAP v2, and set pre-shared key, enable user permissions for L2TP
IPad/IPhone VPN Client: L2TP w/ secret
Windows VPN Client: L2TP/IPSec with pre-shared key
Windows VPN Adapter Options:
Set VPN adapter Security Tab to Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPSec (L2TP/IPSec)
Set Requires encryption (disconnect if server declines)
Set “Allow these protocols” and enable Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)
bogus intrusion attempt
by dervish on Mar.28, 2016, under Linux, Red Hat
Active log file changed? No way!
[root@entbamboo01 logs]# tmpwatch –test –mtime +7 –nodirs /opt/bamboo/atlassian-bamboo-5.9.7/logs/*log
error: directory /opt/bamboo/atlassian-bamboo-5.9.7/logs/catalina.2015-10-20.log changed right under us!!!
error: this indicates a possible intrusion attempt
HP DV6000 Linux Webcam
by dervish on Jan.23, 2016, under Hardware, Linux, Mint
1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:r5u87x-loader/ppa
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get install r5u87x
4. sudo /usr/share/r5u87x/
Cheese, etc, should now detect the camera.
find wwn disk id on redhat hat fiber card
by dervish on Dec.09, 2015, under Linux
find WWN for red hat fiber
cd /sys/class/scsi_host;for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do cat host$i/device/fc_host/host$i/port_name; done