Squid Settings
by dervish on Sep.28, 2009, under Hacker
http_port 1863
visible_hostname echelon
acl borg src
http_access allow borg
How-To: Create Solaris Virtual/Alias Interface
by dervish on Sep.25, 2009, under Networking, Solaris
1. Copy existing interface to new interface.
cp /etc/hostname.ce0 /etc/hostname.ce0:1
2. Edit the new hosntaname file and change the old hostname to the new one.
Example: server-ce0 to server-ce0-v1
3. Use the ifconfig plumb option to create the new interface.
ifconfig ce0:1 plumb
4. Assign the IP Address to the new interface.
ifconfig ce0:1 netmask up
5. Verify interface is up and functional.
ifconfig -a
ce0:1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff80 broadcast
6. Add new IP Address to /etc/hosts
< server-ce0-v1
To delete the interface:
ifconfig ce0:1 unplumb
by dervish on Sep.22, 2009, under Sundry
crunchy taco + crunchy taco + burrito supreme + mango strawberry frutista freeze = $6.66
Fedora 11 and xorg.conf
by dervish on Sep.12, 2009, under Fedora, Linux
If you install Fedora 11 and find that your X11 display is less than ideal (as in it won’t do better than 800×600) run:
Xorg -configure :1
as root to create a new default xorg.conf.new in /root.
Run ‘X -config /root/xorg.conf.new’ to test the new config. If the display sizes properly, copy it to /etc/X11 and overwrite the existing xorg.conf. This was the only fix I needed in do in order to get a clean install of Fedora 11 going.
VMware vCenter Server Upgrade
by dervish on Jul.20, 2009, under VMware
If moving a host to a new VMware vCenter Server produces this error:
Failed to install the VirtualCenter Agent service.
Login failed due to a bad username or password.
Do this at the host:
service mgmt-vmware restart