Teach A Man To Fish
by dervish on Apr.16, 2010, under Jokes, Sundry
Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and if he doesn’t beat you with the pole, he will resent you for a lifetime.
20091229: find_controller.sh
by dervish on Dec.29, 2009, under Scripts
#!/bin/sh # # Created: 20091229 Jamey Hopkins # Find PCI controller and output matches into $STR.servers # 20100406 jah - added ping check if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo "Please pass a search string." echo "Example: find_controller.sh AAC-RAID" exit else STR="$1" fi >$STR.servers for SERVER in `cat linux.servers` do echo -n $SERVER MSG="Controller not found." ping -c1 $SERVER >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then DATA=`ssh $SERVER sudo /sbin/lspci 2>/dev/null | grep $STR` [ "$DATA" != "" ] && MSG="Controller: $DATA" [ "$DATA" != "" ] && echo $SERVER >>$STR.servers # echo what we found echo -e "\t$MSG" else echo -e "\tServer not reachable." fi done
20091222: raidcheck.sh
by dervish on Dec.22, 2009, under Scripts
# raidcheck.sh – search for SAS1064 or Adaptec AAC-RAID controller and report failed drives
# Created 20091222 Jamey Hopkins
# Note: replaced by 20110511: raidcheck.sh
process_mpt-status() {
ID=`grep Found status.0 | cut -f2 -d= | cut -f1 -d,`
/usr/sbin/mpt-status -i $ID -s >status.1
C1=`cat status.1 | grep phys_id | wc -l`
C2=`cat status.1 | grep phys_id | grep ONLINE | wc -l`
[ “$C1” = “0” ] && echo “No Drives Found”
[ “$C1” = “$C2” ] && echo “$C2 of $C1 Drives Are Online”
#echo “Controller ID=$ID”
if [ $C2 -lt $C1 ]
echo “ERROR: Failed SAS Drive Found”
echo “$C2 of $C1 Drives Are ONLINE”
exit 2
# search for SAS1064 controller
DATA=`/sbin/lspci | grep SAS1064 2>/dev/null`
if [ “$DATA” != “” ]
#echo Process SAS
# check if mptctl module is loaded
MPT=`/sbin/lsmod | grep mptctl 2>/dev/null`
[ ! -n “$MPT” ] && echo “mptctl module not loaded”
/usr/sbin/mpt-status -p >status.0 2>&1
grep “not found” status.0 >/dev/null
if [ “$?” = “0” -a ! -n “$MPT” ]
echo “mpt-status not found in /usr/sbin”
# search for Adaptec AAC-RAID controller
DATA=`/sbin/lspci | grep AAC-RAID 2>/dev/null`
if [ “$DATA” != “” ]
#echo Process AAC-RAID
STATE=`/usr/StorMan/arcconf getconfig 1 | grep “Logical devices/Failed/Degraded” | cut -f2 -d: | xargs echo`
#echo state is -${STATE}-
if [ “$STATE” != “1/0/0” ]
echo ERROR: AAC-RAID Failed Drive Found
exit 2
echo “AAC-RAID: No failed or degraded drives found.”
if [ $SAS1064 = 0 -a $AACRAID = 0 ]
echo “No controllers found.”
rm status.0 status.1 >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
Error 410
by dervish on Dec.10, 2009, under WWW
Let’s all talk about HTTP error code 410.
As far as I can tell, it’s the forgotten stepchild of error 404 (Resource not found). Error 410 means Resource gone, as in, a resource used to exist at this location, but now it’s gone. Not only is it gone, but I don’t know (or I don’t want to tell you) where it went. If I knew where it went, and I wanted to tell you, I would use error 301 (Permanent redirect) and any smart client would simply redirect to the new address. But 410 means Resource gone, no forwarding address. Train gone sorry.
Now, there is not a lot of information about error 410. Sure, you can search for http error 410 on Google and come up with lots of hits, but they’re all just pages that list all the error codes and give a brief description of each. No docs, no further explanation. I suppose because it addresses a condition that doesn’t come up very often. Also, we’ve all been brainwashed into believing that all resources should be permanent, which simply isn’t true.
Embracing HTTP error code 410 means embracing the impermanence of all things.
NASA Says:
The requested site is no longer available at www.grc.nasa.gov. This change is permanent. Please remove any links or bookmarks to this Web address.
Halloween Playlist 2009
by dervish on Oct.31, 2009, under Sundry
1. Intro (Konzertintro 2003) – Blutengel
2. March of the Dead – Gothminister
3. Feel the Bite – My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult
4. Sun Mistress – The Fair Sex
5. When You’re Evil – Voltaire
6. Kiss Eternal – Lords of Acid
7. The Vampire Club – Voltaire
8. Vampires – Adam Ant
9. Heart of Lilith – Inkubus Sukkubus
10. Transylvanian Concubine [The Manson Mix – Radio Edit] – Rasputina
11. Children of the Night – Blutengel
12. Possum Kingdom – Toadies
13. Zombie Prostitutue – Voltaire