Change Freeze Flowchart

by on Dec.01, 2008, under Jokes, Politics

Well, I had a nice 4 days off. Moved all the stuff out of my apartment, and enjoyed the the last few days in a totally empty 2 bedroom, 2 bath, apartment.  Just a laptop, a sleeping bag on a Thai mattress, and certain state of Zen.

Now it’s time to get back to work.  Since we are in the middle of a change freeze that lasts until the end of the year, it was requested the we create charts, graphs , and flowcharts for the systems we manage.  Below is the work flowchart I came up with for the next few weeks.

              YES   =============================   NO
       +-----------|| Does the Darn Thing work? ||-----------+
       |            =============================            |
       V                                                     V
  +----------+     +---------+                          +---------------+
  |   Don't  |  NO |   Does  |       +-------+     YES  | DID ATTEMPT   |
  |   mess   | +---|  anyone |<------|  YOU  |<---------| TO FIX THE    |
  | with it! | |   |  know?  |       | MORON |          | PROBLEM WORK? |
  +----------+ |   +---------+       +-------+          +---------------+
       |       V          | YES                                 |  NO
       |  +-----------+   +------+                              |
       |  |DESTROY THE|          V                              V
       |  |EVIDENCE   |   +----------------+             +------------+
       |  +-----------+   |                |        YES  | Does anyone|
       |       |          |    YOUR        |<------------| know?      |
       |       |          |      FIRED!    |             +------------+
       |       |          |                |                   |  NO
       |       |          |                |                   |
       |       |          +----------------+                   V
       |       |                                         +-----------+
       |       |                                         |DESTROY THE|
       |       |                                         |  EVIDENCE |
       |       |                                         +-----------+
       |       |                                               |
       |       |                                               |
       |       |        ============================           |
       |       +------>||           N O            ||<---------+
       +-------------->||      P R O B L E M       ||
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