More than 11 million HTTPS websites imperiled by new decryption attack | Ars Technica (DROWN)
by dervish on Mar.01, 2016, under Security
More than 11 million websites and e-mail services protected by the transport layer security protocol are vulnerable to a newly discovered, low-cost attack that decrypts sensitive communications in a matter of hours and in some cases almost immediately, an international team of researchers warned Tuesday. More than 81,000 of the top 1 million most popular Web properties are among the vulnerable HTTPS-protected sites.
Source: More than 11 million HTTPS websites imperiled by new decryption attack | Ars Technica
Ghost In The Shell cast: Michael Pitt to star as villain opposite Scarlett Johansson
by dervish on Feb.06, 2016, under Uncategorized
Pitt is set to play a character from the initial series called the Laughing Man. But don’t be fooled by the name! The antagonist is a nasty and vengeful human/robot hybrid who has an individual sense of style. He has been described in the past as being a ‘bad guy filtered through the lens of a street artist’.Johansson will play the lead; a special-ops cyborg named Motoko Kusanagi, who operates under a task force called Section 9 that deals with the most dangerous criminals and extremists. Her specific mission this time? To take down a particularly vicious computer hacker.
Source: Ghost In The Shell cast: Michael Pitt to star as villain opposite Scarlett Johansson
HP DV6000 Linux Webcam
by dervish on Jan.23, 2016, under Hardware, Linux, Mint
1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:r5u87x-loader/ppa
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get install r5u87x
4. sudo /usr/share/r5u87x/
Cheese, etc, should now detect the camera.
Standard semi-conductors and magnetism enable stable quantum computing
by dervish on Dec.13, 2015, under Uncategorized
Using standard semi-conductor materials, a 1.5 Tesla external magnet, and lasers, researchers in the USA and Germany have successfully stored information with an electrons spin.
Source: Standard semi-conductors and magnetism enable stable quantum computing
find wwn disk id on redhat hat fiber card
by dervish on Dec.09, 2015, under Linux
find WWN for red hat fiber
cd /sys/class/scsi_host;for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do cat host$i/device/fc_host/host$i/port_name; done